The NER has been developed by HSE – National Doctors Training & Planning, in response to one of
the key recommendations of the ‘Strategic Review of Medical Training and Career Structure Report’ (MacCraith Report). This recommendation
was based on feedback received directly from NCHDs. The system has been specifically designed to minimise repetitive paperwork requirements
for NCHDs and eliminate as much duplication as possible when rotating employers.
Your NER is completely private, confidential and secure. The information contained within your NER
will only be available to you and your relevant employer/prospective employer or Occupational Health Department (OHD)/prospective OHD. HR data will only be visible/accessible by your Medical
HR/Manpower Department. Occupational Health data will only be visible/accessible by your Occupational Health Department. Full details on access are available in the NER terms and conditions, link at the bottom of this page.
If you are a first time user of the system you must register a new account – click on the ‘Register new account’ link at the top right-hand side of the screen to begin.
If you have already registered an NER account and wish to log on this will require three pieces of information. These are E-mail Address, Date of Birth and Password.
It is the responsibility of each individual that their password is in line with the requirement of the HSE Password Standards Policy i.e minimum of 8 character, containing characters both uppercase and lower case, numbers and 1 special character e.g. “, £, $, %, ^, &, *, @, #, ?, !, €.
Please note: New NER Account Registration is temporarily unavailable.
NCHDs without an NER account should contact their Clinical Site directly.